Board of Aldermen Minutes, Agendas & Meetings

Agendas: Normally scheduled Board of Aldermen meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month.  Check the City of Seymour calendar located at:  Calendar

Copy of meeting agendas are posted at the City Offices a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meetings.

Current Year Meeting Minutes:  The minutes listed below are in draft form for public convenience only.  If you wish to obtain a copy of any public record, please contact City Hall for the proper request procedure.
January 04, 2024minutes_01042024.pdf
January 25, 2024minutes_01252024.pdf
February 15, 2024minutes_02152024.pdf
March 21, 2024minutes_03212024.pdf
April 16, 2024minutes_04162024.pdf
April 29, 2024minutes_04292024_special.pdf
May 07, 2024minutes_05072024.pdf

Archived Minutes